Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Hunters: Phantom Chapter 1

Elena Gilbert ventured onto a smooth scope of grass, the supple sharp edges col apsing underneath her feet. Bunches of red roses and violet delphiniums pushed up from the beginning, a mammoth shade hung over her, twinkling with shining lights. On the patio before her stood two bending white marble wellsprings that shot showers of water high into the air. Everything was lovely, exquisite, and by one way or another recognizable. This is Bloddeuwedd's royal residence, a voice in her mind said. Be that as it may, when she had been here last, the field had been packed with chuckling, moving partygoers. They were gone now, in spite of the fact that indications of their essence stayed: void glasses littered the tables set around the edges of the garden; a luxurious shawl was hurled over a seat; a solitary high-obeyed shoe roosted on the edge of a wellspring. Something different was odd, as well. Previously, the scene had been lit by the hel ish red light that il uminated everything in the Dark Dimension, going blues to purples, whites to pinks, and pinks to the smooth shade of blood. Presently an unmistakable light shone over everything, and a ful white moon cruised smoothly overhead. A murmur of development originated from behind her, and Elena acknowledged with a beginning that she wasn't the only one after al . A dull figure was unexpectedly there, moving toward her. Damon. Obviously it was Damon, Elena thought with a grin. On the off chance that anybody would show up out of the blue before her here, at what felt like the apocalypse †or if nothing else the hour after a decent gathering had finished †it would be Damon. God, he was so lovely. Dark on dark: delicate dark hair, eyes dark as 12 PM, dark pants, and a smooth calfskin coat. As their eyes met, she was so happy to see him that she could barely relax. She devoted herself completely to his grip, fastening him around the neck, feeling the flexible, hard muscles in his arms and chest. â€Å"Damon,† she stated, her voice trembling for reasons unknown. Her body was trembling, as well, and Damon stroked her arms and shoulders, quieting her. â€Å"What is it, princess? Don't tel me you're afraid.† He smiled sluggishly at her, his hands solid and consistent. â€Å"I am afraid,† she replied. â€Å"But what are you apprehensive of?† That left her bewildered for a second. At that point, gradually, setting her cheek against his, she stated, â€Å"I'm apprehensive this is only a dream.† â€Å"I'l tel you a mystery, princess,† he said into her ear. â€Å"You and I are the main genuine articles here. It's beginning and end else that is the dream.† â€Å"Just you and me?† Elena resounded, an uncomfortable idea bothering at her, as if she were overlooking something †or on the other hand somebody. A bit of debris arrived on her dress, and she absently brushed it away. â€Å"It's simply both of us, Elena,† Damon said strongly. â€Å"You're mine. I'm yours. We've cherished each other since the start of time.† Obviously. That must be the reason she was trembling †it was euphoria. He was hers. She was his. They had a place together. She murmured single word: â€Å"Yes.† At that point he kissed her. His lips were delicate as silk, and when the kiss extended, she tilted her head back, uncovering her throat, envisioning the twofold wasp sting he'd conveyed so often. At the point when it didn't come, she opened her eyes questioningly. The moon was as splendid as could be, and the aroma of roses balanced overwhelming noticeable all around. In any case, Damon's etched highlights were pale under his dull hair, and more debris had arrived on the shoulders of his coat. Al without a moment's delay, the little questions that had been niggling at her met up. Goodness, no. Gracious, no. â€Å"Damon.† She heaved, investigating his eyes despairingly as tears fil ed her own. â€Å"You can't be here, Damon. You're†¦ dead.† â€Å"For in excess of 500 years, princess.† Damon flashed his blinding grin at her. More debris was fal ing around them, similar to a fine dark downpour, a similar dim debris Damon's body was covered underneath, universes and measurements away. â€Å"Damon, you're†¦ dead at this point. Not undead, but†¦ gone.† â€Å"No, Elena†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He started to gleam and blur, similar to a withering light. â€Å"Yes. Truly! I held you as you died†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Elena was wailing weakly. She was unable to feel Damon's arms at al now. He was vanishing into gleaming light. â€Å"Listen to me, Elena†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She was holding moonlight. Anguish got at her heart. â€Å"Al you have to do is cal for me,† Damon's voice said. â€Å"Al you need†¦Ã¢â‚¬  His voice blurred into the sound of wind stirring through the trees. Elena's eyes snapped open. Through a haze she enrolled that she was in a room fil ed with daylight, and an enormous crow was roosted on the sil of an open window. The feathered creature tilted its head to the other side and gave a croak, watching her with brilliant eyes. A cold chil ran down her spine. â€Å"Damon?† she murmured. In any case, the crow simply spread its wings and took off.

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