Thursday, September 3, 2020

Postmodernism Cinema Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Postmodernism Cinema - Essay Example The exposition Postmodernism Cinema states postmodernism and film. This paper likewise examines Andrew Tudor’s work â€Å"From Paranoia to Postmodernism: The Horror Movie in the Late Modern Society.† The term postmodernism has been generally applied in contemporary blood and gore movies. Different conversations in regards to the relevance of the term began in the previous century. In 1986, Tania Modleski figured out how to set up the connection between the current improvements in the blood and gore movie industry and postmodern hypothesis. In 1989, the Tudors learn about â€Å"Monsters and Mad Scientists† demonstrated that specific angles associated with current repulsiveness is connected to probably some social changes, which can be considered as postmodern. In 1990, Noel Carroll made a comparative point in an unpretentious way. He specified that ghastliness classification in the contemporary world fills in as an exoteric articulation depicting comparable sentim ents that are apparent on account of scholarly people dependent on the idea of postmodernism. The contentions uncover that it is crucial for people to determine the current society to have respect to postmodernism. All things considered, it is trying to oppose the social reverberation, which reflects postmodern ghastliness. For this situation, the term can be viewed as graphic in an unproblematic way. It ought not be planned for making hardly any endeavors to assess the suggestion that uncovers there is something with respect to present day blood and gore flicks which makes a requirement for representation. It is conceivable to specify that they live in a period described by ‘postmodern’ loathsomeness.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Hunters: Phantom Chapter 1

Elena Gilbert ventured onto a smooth scope of grass, the supple sharp edges col apsing underneath her feet. Bunches of red roses and violet delphiniums pushed up from the beginning, a mammoth shade hung over her, twinkling with shining lights. On the patio before her stood two bending white marble wellsprings that shot showers of water high into the air. Everything was lovely, exquisite, and by one way or another recognizable. This is Bloddeuwedd's royal residence, a voice in her mind said. Be that as it may, when she had been here last, the field had been packed with chuckling, moving partygoers. They were gone now, in spite of the fact that indications of their essence stayed: void glasses littered the tables set around the edges of the garden; a luxurious shawl was hurled over a seat; a solitary high-obeyed shoe roosted on the edge of a wellspring. Something different was odd, as well. Previously, the scene had been lit by the hel ish red light that il uminated everything in the Dark Dimension, going blues to purples, whites to pinks, and pinks to the smooth shade of blood. Presently an unmistakable light shone over everything, and a ful white moon cruised smoothly overhead. A murmur of development originated from behind her, and Elena acknowledged with a beginning that she wasn't the only one after al . A dull figure was unexpectedly there, moving toward her. Damon. Obviously it was Damon, Elena thought with a grin. On the off chance that anybody would show up out of the blue before her here, at what felt like the apocalypse †or if nothing else the hour after a decent gathering had finished †it would be Damon. God, he was so lovely. Dark on dark: delicate dark hair, eyes dark as 12 PM, dark pants, and a smooth calfskin coat. As their eyes met, she was so happy to see him that she could barely relax. She devoted herself completely to his grip, fastening him around the neck, feeling the flexible, hard muscles in his arms and chest. â€Å"Damon,† she stated, her voice trembling for reasons unknown. Her body was trembling, as well, and Damon stroked her arms and shoulders, quieting her. â€Å"What is it, princess? Don't tel me you're afraid.† He smiled sluggishly at her, his hands solid and consistent. â€Å"I am afraid,† she replied. â€Å"But what are you apprehensive of?† That left her bewildered for a second. At that point, gradually, setting her cheek against his, she stated, â€Å"I'm apprehensive this is only a dream.† â€Å"I'l tel you a mystery, princess,† he said into her ear. â€Å"You and I are the main genuine articles here. It's beginning and end else that is the dream.† â€Å"Just you and me?† Elena resounded, an uncomfortable idea bothering at her, as if she were overlooking something †or on the other hand somebody. A bit of debris arrived on her dress, and she absently brushed it away. â€Å"It's simply both of us, Elena,† Damon said strongly. â€Å"You're mine. I'm yours. We've cherished each other since the start of time.† Obviously. That must be the reason she was trembling †it was euphoria. He was hers. She was his. They had a place together. She murmured single word: â€Å"Yes.† At that point he kissed her. His lips were delicate as silk, and when the kiss extended, she tilted her head back, uncovering her throat, envisioning the twofold wasp sting he'd conveyed so often. At the point when it didn't come, she opened her eyes questioningly. The moon was as splendid as could be, and the aroma of roses balanced overwhelming noticeable all around. In any case, Damon's etched highlights were pale under his dull hair, and more debris had arrived on the shoulders of his coat. Al without a moment's delay, the little questions that had been niggling at her met up. Goodness, no. Gracious, no. â€Å"Damon.† She heaved, investigating his eyes despairingly as tears fil ed her own. â€Å"You can't be here, Damon. You're†¦ dead.† â€Å"For in excess of 500 years, princess.† Damon flashed his blinding grin at her. More debris was fal ing around them, similar to a fine dark downpour, a similar dim debris Damon's body was covered underneath, universes and measurements away. â€Å"Damon, you're†¦ dead at this point. Not undead, but†¦ gone.† â€Å"No, Elena†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He started to gleam and blur, similar to a withering light. â€Å"Yes. Truly! I held you as you died†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Elena was wailing weakly. She was unable to feel Damon's arms at al now. He was vanishing into gleaming light. â€Å"Listen to me, Elena†¦Ã¢â‚¬  She was holding moonlight. Anguish got at her heart. â€Å"Al you have to do is cal for me,† Damon's voice said. â€Å"Al you need†¦Ã¢â‚¬  His voice blurred into the sound of wind stirring through the trees. Elena's eyes snapped open. Through a haze she enrolled that she was in a room fil ed with daylight, and an enormous crow was roosted on the sil of an open window. The feathered creature tilted its head to the other side and gave a croak, watching her with brilliant eyes. A cold chil ran down her spine. â€Å"Damon?† she murmured. In any case, the crow simply spread its wings and took off.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Science And Practice Improve Health Equity â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Examine About The Science And Practice Improve Health Equity? Answer: Introducation Arranging is just choosing something or making courses of action for something ahead of time. It diagrams where an individual or an association needs to go, methods of arriving and a course of events for the procedure. Arranging considers dynamic that are intelligent of future needs and addresses these necessities. In subtleties it along these lines includes future objectives particular and set down of game-plans that will realize the set accomplishments (Wallerstein Duran, 2010). In the open division wellbeing administration arranging setting, arranging is centered around supporting and building up a top notch administration conveyance wellbeing framework to the network. Wellbeing administration designs accurately look to advance a given populaces wellbeing status and simultaneously defend access, value and decency of the wellbeing framework and its responsiveness to the particular saw communitys needs. These arranging mean to accomplish the above objectives by giving compelling and proficient wellbeing administrations. It is anyway restricted to the accessible strategies, methods for human services and assets. Along these lines, this sort of arranging is a procedure of unifying the changing need designs with administration conveyance courses of action that are in presence in order to make most extreme use of the accessible assets (Stonhope, 2015). It places into critical help arrangement the key bearings and strategy of human services associations. The straightforward and complete procedure of characterizing systems and administration goals helps in the accomplishment of the equivalent. Among operational, budgetary, vital and administration empowering influences arranging, wellbeing administration conveyance arranging is critical. It is situated to the associations future receiving a drawn out point of view contrasted with different sorts of arranging. It places the association in a key situation to address medical problems that may develop and are crucial to contemporary to social insurance. Nature in which medicinal services conveyance happens is increasingly more unique with consistently changing mechanical advances, network desires and government needs. There exist consistently expanding requests and weights on the wellbeing arrangement of the open division in the midst of compelled financial plans (Swayne et al., 2012). In future there will be even expanded weight because of expanding interminable illness pervasiveness and maturing populace. In this light, it is essential that administrations have the capacity and are very much wanted to be in a situation to re act to the developing changes to address populace issues. These progressions include: populace needs and populaces; it incorporates contemplating populace attributes for example social financial status, development, social decent variety and age groupings. Notwithstanding that, surfacing with the populaces chance components like unreasonable utilization of liquor, smoking and corpulence which may prompt distinctive medical problems, arranging should be possible so that administrations are intended to decrease the objective populaces dangers (Trivedi et al., 2012). Rising advancements and clinical proof; understanding there sway assists with molding association and conveyance of future administrations. It remembers changes for the comprehension and information on ailment pattern, administration conveyance models and treatment strategies. Predicting administration need in future; administrations request in future because of populace changes, treatment advancements change and infection designs change is considered here. Through these appraisal s future assistance advancement choices are better educated (Polit Beck, 2012). Assets distribution prioritization; because of constrained accessibility of assets to put resources into the wellbeing division, prioritization done to ensure zones of most noteworthy need have assets coordinated towards them. Administration proficiency improvement; investigation is done to welcome on board elective choices that can fulfill expanding need and upgrade conveyance of administrations. These may incorporate assistance conveyance in various settings including homes. Offering supportable and safe types of assistance; administration reasonability for example excellent consideration that surpass or satisfy least set guidelines. Two strategies can anyway be utilized in building up a wellbeing administration plan as follows. Populace based arranging Each people group or nations social insurance administration ought to be engaged to arrive at its whole populace. Take care of the populaces needs and spread advancement, preventive and corrective wellbeing administrations. It includes a community oriented and orderly evaluation of the requirements of the populace. Accentuations are put on the populaces current wellbeing status distinguishing proof, medical issues determinants and hazard elements, improvement and investigation of mediations and their connection to yields (Drummond et al., 2015). It depends on partners successful joint effort and can include different divisions partners to examine and recognize medical problems and go to a concurrence on guidelines that will advance the concerned populaces wellbeing. It depends on the estimations of (value in access and results), adequacy (patients level of advantage from the offered support), availability (administration agreeableness, geological, social, physical and moderateness), quality (proportion of the level of administration adjustment to set guidelines) and productivity (amplify profits by assets use). Anyway these arranging standards strife for example openness versus quality, proficiency versus availability and value versus availability. Populace based arranging utilizes comprehensive information. Here necessities are evaluated through populace studies since it is the oftentimes utilized data assortment strategy. This data is then used to set practical future objectives and fitting assignment of assets. The people group primary interests are served utilizing this arranging technique (De Grot et al., 2010). A need evaluation process is established and it portrays the nearby people groups condition of wellbeing, recognizes reasons for ailments and significant wellbeing causing hazard factors. It additionally encourages in exposing how to address these variables. Anyway this is certifiably not a one-time process/action, it is carried on after some time to catch the progressions that emerge. It is hence pertinent for sometime later as well. In particular, this technique considers the way that various elements influence wellbeing. The nature of water individuals drink, the air they inhale and their physical condition affe cts their wellbeing. Loved ones passionate and social help are a piece of the social condition and it influences people groups wellbeing. The pleasure in life is decreased by neediness, way of life practices for example substantial drinking and smoking will build danger of maladies like lung malignant growth and keeping away from these practices fundamentally decreases its hazard. Singular science and family hereditary qualities likewise assume a job in ones wellbeing (Dennis et al., 2012). Points of interest Open imbalances end; populace based human services makes it feasible for impartial and quality consideration to be conveyed to networks by professionals. Gathering strengthening; it gives specialists and social insurance groups a stage to engage networks on exact ailment conditions. Through pieces of literature, banners and workshops these can be accomplished. Network social insurance preventive measures are applied here. Populace based wellbeing arranging preventive measures; professionals base their work upon this methodologies and ideas. Anticipation at an essential level; the probability of illness event is diminished at this level. This include: medicinal services instruction on way of life and conduct, diet, physical movement and mental help; transmittable ailments counteraction through inoculation; openings for work and great lodging; safe condition advancement for example sanitation, clean air and drinking water; contamination and modern risk evasion. Anticipation at auxiliary level; manages forestalling progress of an illness. Its accomplished by; case or hazard appraisal, reviews and early testing, evaluations of general wellbeing, clinical assistance and essential examination help (Buntin et al., 2011). Anticipation at tertiary level: this stage centers around limiting experiencing illnesses and incapacities that might be brought about by the ailments. This can be accomplished by training, restoration care, palliative consideration, mental help and making mindfulness. Group center; it unites diverse social insurance professionals in this manner making group building soul along these lines making more progress. Weaknesses Evaluating populaces chance levels and wellbeing status can be tumultuous and troublesome. Numerous determinants under these technique for example social variables are outside the wellbeing area. This is tumultuous as it requires coordinated effort with different divisions so as to bring out best outcomes. The wellbeing area will most likely be unable to impact more extensive social determinants of wellbeing since it might do not have the ability to do as such (Alessi, 2010). It is a protracted procedure which can be influenced by governments legislative issues. Since it includes a great deal of partners, they may neglect to choose one view keeping up various social, social and natural perspectives therefore obstructing usage. Partners may have clashing interests that may include weight the organizer as they attempt to control the contention between political real factors and sane arranging. Numerous wellbeing determinants under this technique are not effectively recognizable and might not have an activity to cure them. Exact data and information assembling in the wellbeing field is continually requesting and expensive. For solid and auspicious wellbeing activity and reconnaissance, there is requirement for advancement of innovation to help with the equivalent. Restricted assortment, spread, investigation and information use influence straightforwardly dynamic limit in requirements and issue ID, progress following, intercessions sway assessment. Because of short political time in office, legislators don't have enthusiasm for passing long haul arrangements hence financing long haul venture isn't their need (Berman et al., 2012). Along these lines for t

Monday, June 15, 2020

Schools With The Most Liberal And Conservative Students -

Schools With The Most Liberal And Conservative Students by: Gregory Yang on September 04, 2018 | 0 Comments Comments 1,577 Views September 4, 2018Creative Commons photoPolitical activism is a major component of the college environment. Some of the countrys biggest grassroots movements have started on college campuses. And while some schools are more politically active than others, there will always be some schools that are primarily liberal-based and others that will be conservative-based.The Princeton Review recently published its â€Å"Best Colleges† guide for high school students. In this year’s 27th edition, the Princeton Review surveyed 138,000 students from across the country to determine which schools have the best food, career services, happiest students, and more.Check out the lists below for schools with the â€Å"most conservative students† and schools with the â€Å"most liberal students.†if("undefined"==typeof window.datawrapper)window.da tawrapper={};window.datawrapper["kSVba"]={},window.datawrapper["kSVba"].embedDeltas={"100":917,"200":867,"300":842,"400":817,"500":817,"700":817,"800":817,"900":817,"1000":817},window.datawrapper["kSVba"].iframe=document.getElementById("datawrapper-chart-kSVba"),window.datawrapper["kSVba"]["kSVba"].embedDeltas[Math.min(1e3,Math.max(100*Math.floor(window.datawrapper["kSVba"].iframe.offsetWidth/100),100))]+"px",window.addEventListener("message",function(a){if("undefined"!=typeof["datawrapper-height"])for(var b in["datawrapper-height"])if("kSVba"==b)window.datawrapper["kSVba"]["datawrapper-height"][b]+"px"});if("undefined"==typeof window.datawrapper)window.datawrapper={};window.datawrapper["yaVrs"]={},window.datawrapper["yaVrs"].embedDeltas={"100":917,"200":867,"300":842,"400":842,"500":817,"700":817,"800":817,"900":817,"1000":817},window.datawrapper["yaVrs"].iframe=document.getElementById("datawrapper-char t-yaVrs"),window.datawrapper["yaVrs"]["yaVrs"].embedDeltas[Math.min(1e3,Math.max(100*Math.floor(window.datawrapper["yaVrs"].iframe.offsetWidth/100),100))]+"px",window.addEventListener("message",function(a){if("undefined"!=typeof["datawrapper-height"])for(var b in["datawrapper-height"])if("yaVrs"==b)window.datawrapper["yaVrs"]["datawrapper-height"][b]+"px"});Among the most conservative colleges, religious schools have repeatedly ranked highly. For instance, Baylor University remains in the top 10 for the third year in a row. Additionally, other religious schools that have repeatedly placed in the top 10 for â€Å"most conservative† include Grove City College and the University of Dallas. The other trend for conservative schools seems to be geography. Most of the conservative schools are located in the South or Midwest.For most liberal colleges, a wide majority of top schools with the â€Å"most li beral students† are private liberal arts schools. Schools like Sarah Lawrence College, Bryn Mar College, Bennington College, Reed College, and Earlham College are all liberal arts schools that have ranked in the top 10 for â€Å"most liberal† this year.If you’re looking to align your political values with your school, be sure to check out the full list for most conservative and most liberal. Page 1 of 11

Sunday, May 17, 2020

William Shakespeares Macbeth Essay - 757 Words

William Shakespeares Macbeth Macbeth was a â€Å"butcher†, however he became that way as a result of Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth was a fiend-like queen whose evilness declined after the murders. In the end of the play, however, Macbeth’s transformation was complete and he was a butcher. Main Body Topic 1 ================= Macbeth’s transition from good to evil by Lady Macbeth:  · Ambition was his only reason for killing the king – â€Å"I have no spur To prick the sides of my intent, but only Vaulting ambition†  · Lady Macbeth convinced him to kill the King – Accused Macbeth of being a â€Å"coward†, questions his â€Å"love† for her and his manliness â€Å"be so much more the man†.  · Macbeth†¦show more content†¦Whiles I see lives, the gashes Do better upon them.† Macbeth Practice Essay 1 ------------------------ In the play, â€Å"Macbeth,† written by William Shakespeare, Malcolm describes Macbeth as a â€Å"butcher† and Lady Macbeth as â€Å"his fiend-like queen† and although this description is accurate at some points in the play, it was the persuasive words and actions of Lady Macbeth who shaped Macbeth into the person that he was at the end of the play. The evil deeds of Lady Macbeth, however, drove her into a state of insanity and in the end forced her to kill herself, unlike Macbeth who died fighting even when he knew that he would die. The transition of Macbeth, from good to evil, occurred as a result of Duncan’s murder, a feat which he was cunningly convinced to do by his evil wife Lady Macbeth. Originally the only reason Macbeth saw to kill Duncan was ambition, â€Å"I have no spur / To prick the sides of my intent but only / Vaulting ambition† especially given the fact that he had brought ‘golden opinions from all sorts of people†. Moments before the murder of Duncan Macbeth tells his wife that they would â€Å"proceed no further† in the murder. When responding to this the power and wickedness of Lady Macbeth is truly shown as she accuses Macbeth of being a â€Å"coward†, questions his â€Å"love† for he and his manliness â€Å"be so muchShow MoreRelatedWilliam Shakespeares Macbeth749 Words   |  3 Pages1. Macbeth, the tragic hero in William Shakespeare’s Macbeth, suffers from the fatal flaws of insecurity and indecision, allowing him to easily be mani pulated, which causes the audience to feel sympathetic toward him. After Macbeth has heard the prophecy from the three witches and he has been named thane of Cawdor, he is led to a strong internal conflict: â€Å"If good, why do I yield to that suggestion / Whose horrid image doth unfix my hair†¦ / Shakes so my single state of man that function / is smother’dRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Macbeth1401 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Macbeth At the beginning of the play, before Macbeth is introduced, the impression given is that he is a very good man indeed. It is as if he was a local hero and could do no wrong. The sergeant refers to him as brave Macbeth and Duncan says O valiant cousin! Worthy gentleman! Duncan, the king, rewards Macbeth with the title, thane of Cawder, and the previous, treacherous thane having been sentenced to death. People speak of MacbethsRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Macbeth2461 Words   |  10 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Macbeth In Macbeth, look at the following scenes: Act one, scenes one, two and three, Act two, scene two, Act four, scene one and Act five, scenes three, six and seven. What did Macbeths character, words and actions show about changes in his character? Why are these scenes important to the plot and structure of the play and how the themes are presented? The play Macbeth is about a man whose rise to power and fall are influenced by his ownRead MoreEssay on William Shakespeares Macbeth1483 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Macbeth During the Elizabethan era, the great chain of being reigned. Women were low on this chain of power, and men were on top. In fact, women were below horses; you couldn’t live without a good horse, but, you could live without a wife. Lady Macbeth was a woman before her time, she was caught between being today’s ambitious, powerful modern woman and a fragile creature of the Elizabethan era. In the first four acts of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth is vicious, overly ambitiousRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Macbeth Essay770 Words   |  4 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Macbeth â€Å"This dead butcher† is not an accurate description of Macbeth. Macbeth did not give an impression of a â€Å"butcher† since he was affected by the death of Duncan. He had contemplated on the positive and negative points about killing Duncan before he committed the act of treason. However his ambition to be king and Lady Macbeth’s persuasiveness and mocking had overridden his sense and logic which caused him to commit this crime. He was consumedRead MoreEssay on William Shakespeares Macbeth647 Words   |  3 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Macbeth In the tragic play Macbeth, by William Shakespeare, both Macbeth and Lady Macbeth decide, to kill King Duncan. In the play, we see the characters of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth transform in their personality after murdering the King. Macbeth begins the play as a noble soldier, gradually changing into an ambitious murdering man. Similarly, Lady Macbeth is ambitious but she beginsRead MoreEssay William Shakespeares Macbeth671 Words   |  3 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Macbeth William Shakespeare lived in an era where women possessed few political and private rights. Women were subjected to the will of men as men were thought to be greater morally, physically and intellectually. Shakespeare, as he was living in this hierarchical and patriarchal world, was subjected to this value system. His powerful and tragic play Macbeth, reflects aspects of this world but also challenges the very basis of its foundations withRead MoreThe Letter in William Shakespeares Macbeth1609 Words   |  7 PagesThe Letter in William Shakespeares Macbeth Lady Macbeths reaction when she reads her husbands letter is powerful and dramatic.  · As soon as shes finished reading, she has decided she will make sure Macbeth is king Its as if she and her husband are thinking exactly the same thing. She does not hesitate for a moment.  · Lady Macbeth invites the spirits of evil to enter her She knows she has to steel herself, that the murder will need evil power, andRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Macbeth638 Words   |  3 Pagesagree? Well, in Macbeth manhood is concurrent with power, physical strength, courage, and force of will. Rarely though, is it bound to the ideals of moral fortitude or mentality. The motif of gender recurs many times in Shakespeare’s work. Being a â€Å"man† in Macbeth means that you must be physically capable, cruel, and do what ever it takes to accomplish one’s goals. Women were supposed to obey their husbands and be good. Evil from a woman was absolutely not permitted. The women in Macbeth are the fireRead MoreThe Downfall of Lady Macbeth in William Shakespeares Macbeth1399 Words   |  6 PagesThe Downfall of Lady Macbeth in William Shakespeares Macbeth William Shakespeares Macbeth has been a theatrical favorite since Elizabethan times. Its timeless themes of ambition, fate, violence, and insanity collaborate to produce a captivating plot. The audience traces the disintegration of a tragic hero and his willful wife. Lady Macbeth, one of Shakespeares most forcefully drawn female characters, plays an important role in the play Macbeth. She has a profound influence over the action

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire A Case Study - 908 Words

Von Drehle (2004) outlines the Triangle Shirtwaist fire as a tragedy of the gilded age. The fire occurred in New York in 1911, and 146 people perished. The fire broke out in a shirtwaist or blouse factory in Greenwich Village. The workers inside, most of them Jewish women, worked in sweatshop conditions common to the industry at the time. They worked in the factory to support their families, and often had no other means of support. They had little or no say over their working conditions, which was standard practice at the time. While there were activists who fought for workers rights, in that era they had little power. The factory had little fire control equipment or other safety standards, and this lack of standards allowed the fire to spread rapidly. The locks to the factory had been locked from the outside ostensibly to prevent theft and as a result the workers were trapped inside the factory during the inferno. Many of those who died had jumped to their deaths to escape the blaze . While the owners of the factory were acquitted on their charges, the fire led to dramatic changes in workers protections and womens rights. Pence et al (2003) argue that the fire and its sensational trial was the genesis of laws safeguarding workers in addition to being a seminal moment in womens rights. On the former point, the fire can be viewed in the context of Gilded Age business practices. Von Drehle notes that there were few safety codes on the books at the time. The idea ofShow MoreRelatedThe True Cost Of The Garment Industry1017 Words   |  5 Pagestougher workplace safety but it is appropriate for Bangladesh to have lower standards because the country is a a lot poorer than what Americans are used to in the United States (Rees). He states that over the past 100 years (since the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire) the American workforce has gotten safer and Bangladesh in the past 20 years has gotten a lot richer (Rees). III. Argument United Kingdom human rights group, Behind the Labour argues that, sweatshops do not alleviate poverty, theRead MoreJob Satisfaction : Traditional And Modern Study4181 Words   |  17 PagesJob Satisfaction: Traditional and modern study In the classic block buster movie from 1956, the legendary actor Charlton Heston playing the role of Moses’ declared to Pharaoh â€Å"Let my people go† (Exodus 5:1, New International Version). This is a reenactment of the Old Testament account from the Book of Exodus, where Moses is referring the Jewish people that are being used as slave labor by the Egyptians to build the pyramids. Archeologists and historians estimate the story of Exodus originated betweenRead MoreEssay on The Role of Labor in American History9019 Words   |  37 Pagescan only touch the high spots of activity and identify the principal trends of a century of achievement. In such a condensation of history, episodes of importance and of great human drama must necessarily be discussed far too briefly, or in some cases relegated to a mere mention. What is clearly evident, however, is that the working people of America have had to unite in struggle to achieve the gains that they have accumulated during this century. Improvements did not come easily. OrganizingRead MoreInternational Management67196 Words   |  269 PagesHodgetts, Fred Luthans, Jonathan Doh. 6th ed. 2006. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN-13: 978-0-07-811257-7 ISBN-10: 0-07-811257-5 1. International business enterprises—Management. 2. International business enterprises—Management—Case studies. I. Doh, Jonathan P. II. Hodgetts, Richard M. International management. III. Title. HD62.4.H63 2012 658 .049—dc22 2011002070 Dedicated in Memory of Richard M. Hodgetts A Pioneer in International Management Education iii

Car Manufacturing Companies in Australia-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Costs of Production in Manufacturing Industry in Australia. Answer: The article is discussing challenges car manufacturing companies such as Mitsubishi, Ford, Holden, and Toyota are facing in Australia. These companies want to move their assembly line to other countries due to the high cost of production in Australia. The stakeholders in this issue are of course car manufacturing companies, suppliers, tens of thousands of Australians who will lose their jobs as well as the Research and Development (RD) sector that is greatly influenced by the motor vehicle industry. The higher cost of production in Australias car manufacturing industry is due to several things (Valadkhani, 2016). These car manufacturing companies are looking to move into cheaper production inputs overseas including both labor and parts because the countrys market is not sufficiently large which makes it impossible for the manufacturing industry to exploit the economies of scale fully. Australias domestic market is weak due import tariffs that are too low as well as Free Trade Agreements; unions asking for higher wages and better working conditions; the appreciation of the Australian dollar. The cost of production in the car manufacturing industry in Australia cannot be compared to that of countries in Asia especially when it comes to labor costs. The article is very simple and focused which makes it easy to understand the different issues it is discussing, issues that are often difficult to identify in other articles because they are too focused on painting the car manufacturers as the evil ones for wanting to exit the Australian market. The whole point of the article is, car manufacturers such as Mitsubishi, Ford, Holden, and Toyota want to exit the Australian market because the opportunity cost of operating in the country is way too high. If this happens, a lot of people will lose their jobs which will significantly affect the unemployment rate regarding supply and demand as workers will be available but employers will be limited (Sherk, 2013). The Australian government is too focused preventing monopolies and unfair practices that it has developed unnecessary regulations and quotas that have interfered with the natural process of equilibrium that is supposed to exist in a perfectly free market and has resulted in inefficiency that could have easily been avoided. Further, the Australian government seems to be taking the comparative advantage approach with too low import tariffs and too much free trade agreements which greatly put car manufacturers at a disadvantage. Another problem involves the companies variable costs most especially when it comes to labor. Labor unions are asking for unreasonably high wages and conditions that do not correspond with the companies level of output. This situation resembles that of a monopoly because labor unions are selling labor to these companies at a very high price, prompting them to hire less labor than they would in equilibrium which affects their production capabilities (Library of E conomics and Liberty, n.d.). The appreciation of the Australian dollar is another problem that is making exporting parts more expensive and imports way cheaper due to lower inflation. The appreciated Australian dollar has also caused a fall in the domestic Aggregate Demand (AD) due to lower demand in exports and greater spending on imports. As a result, it has slowed the market growth in the country which has prevented car companies from fully exploiting economies of scale. There are various things that the car manufacturing companies could do to reduce the cost of production without withdrawing from the Australian market. The cost of production can be reduced by decreasing the number of platforms (critical structures in forming the base of various automobile models) that are used in producing vehicles. Producing a greater number of models using a common platform will considerably reduce the high number of expenditures that designing and developing multiple platforms would require (Sedgwick, 2014). Further, producing on a larger scale will reduce the manufacturing cost per vehicle. Car manufacturing companies could also develop strategies that will increase the commodities of parts and components used in their vehicle models including decreasing model variations as well as the number of parts that are used in their models. Further, adopting the design approach where associated parts are treated integrated systems could also comprehensively reduce produc tion costs. The government needs to intervene and support the car manufacturing industry which will give car manufacturer additional power in order to get rid of the unsustainable wages and conditions set by the unions through negotiations or by taking the matter to the Federal Court. Another way the government could intervene is by backing these companies in the creation of their union and increase subsidies which will secure the future of the car manufacturing industry as it is too important to let go. Another way the government could support the can manufacturing industry is offering tax incentives such as tax deductions on Research and Development (RD) and exports (Davison, 2013). This article is very useful; it is opening peoples eyes on what is happening with countrys economy. It would be disastrous if these companies were to go through with their decision of leaving the Australian car manufacturing industry. A lot of peoples livelihoods in Australia depend on manufacturing companies like Mitsubishi, Ford, Holden and Toyotas capabilities to stay in operation. That would not be possible if domestic market conditions in Australia remain unsustainable. The car manufacturing industry is Australia does not have productivity problem, it has an immeasurable cost barrier that the government seems to be contributing to by setting import tariffs that are too low and signing too many Free Trade Agreements that do not make a lot of difference to exports because of internal tax exercises (Kohler, 2013). The appreciation of the Australian dollar does not help things either especially when it comes to imports and exports; exporting parts will be too costly for these companies which will make their products too expensive for consumers; as a result, they are turning to imported products that are cheaper. Australia is simply too expensive to operate in so it makes sense for these companies to look elsewhere for better conditions. However, this event would not be good not only for the employment rate but for other sectors such as the Research and Development sector that work hand in hand with the car manufacturing industry. References Davison, R. (2013). Fact Check: do other countries subsidize their car industry more than we do?. Retrieved from Kohler. A. (2013). Subsidizing the car industry to death. Retrieved from Library of Economics and Liberty. (n.d.). The 51 Key Economics Concepts. Retrieved from Sedgwick, D. (2014). Carmakers bet on big global platforms to cut costs. Retrieved from Sherk, J. (2013). Supply and Demand: Why Job Growth Remains Sluggish. Retrieved from Valadkhani, A. (2016). Collapse of Australian car manufacturing will harm RD in other sectors: study. Retrieved from